Line blinds are an assembly that makes the process of blanking off a line into a simple procedure. Our design accomplishes the task without the use of any tools. The operator simply turns the handle and swings or slides the plate. The blind is designed to be an integral piping component. It is fully ANSI rated and involves no spreading of the pipe. Available in sizes 3/4” to 44”. Available in classes to 1500# depending on size. The blind design can be either Swinging as shown below or Sliding (as seen in our videos) in the larger sizes to support the weight.
Reasons to use Line Blinds
A: A line blind can be changed in minutes saving labor costs every time it is used
B: A line blind gives a visual indicator of line condition
C: You can blank a line with one person even in the largest sizes
D: No tools required
E: No spreading of the pipe so no sagging when changing
F: Since the blind is a solid plate, there is zero down stream leakage
Quick change Spectacle Blinds
Common Applications:
Tank Farms
Steam lines
Cement Plants
Loading Stations
Feed lines
Pharmaceutical Plants
Shipping terminals
Paper Mills
Cryogenic plants
Pigging Stations